ICT Group has so much to offer, and this is what we want to convey to anyone who wants to hear it. We want to share who we are, what drives us and what our colleagues find important. This is the main message of our labour market campaign ‘Be You. Be one of us’. A campaign that’s not only aimed at filling vacancies, but that showcases what we stand for

Why this campaign

Carla Stuifzand, ICT Group’s marketing director, describes the campaign in the following words: “ICT Group has doubled in size over the past five years. We want to keep growing, but this requires a constant influx of colleagues. This is the reason why it is very important as an employer to get in touch with professionals who would fit in with us and who we can make enthusiastic about joining our team. We often showcase what great projects we execute and how much expertise we have. And of course we will continue to do so, because this is the backbone of our work. But what’s more, we want to appeal directly to potential employees. Why should someone choose ICT Group?”


“To find out why, we needed to identify exactly what makes ICT Group attractive as an employer and what it takes to ensure that a professional feels at home with us. This was the reason for conducting a market analysis, followed by interviews with existing and new colleagues. And when we talked to employees, we noticed that the same feelings kept being expressed: they feel at home and they feel appreciated. What’s more, they feel that they can be themselves. This is what stood out in the Great Place to Work survey, and these feelings can be summarised in the following words: our employees are authentic. The results of the survey and the ICT Group Values became the starting point of the ‘Be You. Be one of us’ campaign. In order to communicate what makes us unique as an employer, we translated our core values into labour market promises.

“When we talked to employees, we noticed that the same feelings kept being expressed: they feel at home and they feel appreciated. What’s more, they feel that they can be themselves. These feelings can be summarised in the following words: our employees are authentic.”

Carla Stuifzand
Marketing director
Carla Stuifzand

Unique personal qualities

 ICT Group employs self-steering professionals who know who they are, what they are good at and where they want to go. The campaign focuses on personal qualities that you wouldn’t ordinarily expect, but which can offer particular added value. For instance, character traits such as being impatient or stubborn. These can actually be important qualities in a project. Moreover, diverse characters complement each other in the multi-disciplinary and often complex projects we carry out for market[1]leading clients. In this campaign we also like to highlight another side of our colleagues. Many of them make their technical knowledge and organisational skills available to good causes and organisations during their spare time. This is why we collected some of their inspiring personal stories, which we are happy to share with you.”