
ICT Group jacket sponsor of indoor soccer club ESZVV Totelos

  • 18 January 2023
  • 1 minute

The health and well-being of our employees is very important to ICT Group. Next to that we want to inspire and encourage each other to stay vital and in motion and always support interesting employee initiatives around this topic. 

This is how a sponsorship was born between ICT Group and ESZVV Totelos, Eindhoven's leading student indoor soccer club, which plays on the TU/e campus. The sponsorship was initiated by Sam Smetsers, Software Engineer at M&S and also a member of ESZVV Totelos, and recently the ICT Group logo has been displayed on the vests of the student team.

Board members Doutsen Kazimier and Nick de Boer say they are very happy with the sponsorship: “We are very satisfied with the cooperation with ICT Group. Because of ICT Group's contribution, we are able to continue to promote indoor soccer among TU/e and Fontys students.”
