Ynze's Challenge

Ynze’s Challenge: Ensuring a good traffic flow in Zuidas

  • 13 June 2018
  • 5 min

Everything in the domain of Infra coincides in the Zuidasdok project – road, railway, tunnel, bridge – and all this within the format of a postage stamp. A complex environment in which ICT Group is playing an important role.

Management and maintenance

Ynze Goinga, who works for ZuidPlus and is involved in the management and maintenance of the A10 Amsterdam-Zuid ring road, that is crossing the Amsterdam district of Zuidas in Amsterdam partly at the moment. “I’m making sure that whatever issue occurs, the problem is solved as soon as possible. I’m involving the right people, and do all the reporting and administrative work. In addition to corrective maintenance, I also focus on preventive maintenance: making sure that nothing breaks down. How long will something work? Where do you install it? When do you need to maintain or replace something? This applies to the current situation but also to the future. I analyse and assess the design and make choices to facilitate future maintenance. In that capacity I see all areas of the project.”

Sufficient challenge

ICT expertise is of crucial importance during each phase and in every department. According to Ynze, there’s an abundance of challenges for software engineers. For instance, during the construction of the tunnel. Software engineers ensure that the various technical installations of the tunnel and traffic can communicate. “They are interconnecting the installations by means of software to make them perform the functionalities for which they have been programmed. The safety in the tunnel must be guaranteed at all times and under all conditions.” ICT is also an important factor at the Schinkelbrug. This bridge is operated from a distance of a couple of kilometres. Cameras, control, signalling … everything must be seamlessly aligned.

“I couldn’t have wished for a better start to my career.”


Ynze continues: “ICT also plays a role in developing software to make processes more transparent and to speed up their flow. For instance in managing the flow of construction traffic. “Every single minute, a truck with building materials enters the traffic flow, and this is bound to cause traffic congestion. This is why we are constructing separate roads for the construction traffic, with the goal of relieving the motorways. A mathematical model that is based on the construction plans can calculate how much construction traffic will be using the roads in five years from now. And this will show the road capacity required for the construction traffic.”

Off to a good start

This is Ynze’s first job “And what a job! Straight away I’m part of the largest project in the domain of infra in The Netherlands. A project that everyone knows about. Right in the heart of an area where people come for work, travel and recreation. This makes the project so complex, but at the same time so interesting. And that’s obvious when you look at the people who work here. Each one of them is an expert in his domain. And I’m allowed to learn from all this.”

Ynze's story

Bij het project Zuidasdok komt alles op gebied van infra bij elkaar – weg, spoor, tunnel, brug – en dat op het formaat van een postzegel. Een complexe omgeving waar ICT een belangrijke rol speelt. 

YNZE'S CHALLENGE: Ensuring a good traffic flow in Zuidas

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Jonathan van Oudheusden